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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Static method' - 19 question(s) found - Order By Newest

 Q1. How can we run a java program without making any object?Core Java
Ans. By putting code within static method. With Java 6 and earlier versions, even static block can be used.

  Sample Code for static block

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   static method   static block     Asked in 3 Companies      basic        frequent

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 Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of static variables and static methods ?Core Java
Ans. Advantages

Can do meta object operations ( like validating something before creating objects , keep count of number of objects )

Can do operations which have nothing to do with objects but still you want them to be tied to Class.


Commonly used to static variables sometime leads to problems due to access by different objects.

Are not tied to objects so doesn't reflect pure Object Oriented approach.

Needs to be synchronized so as to avoid update conflicts by mutiple objects and threads.

Some limitation in testing as not all frameworks have facility to mock them. Powermock has but Mockito doesnt

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 Q3. Can we access instance variables within static methods ?Core Java
Ans. Yes.we cannot access them directly but we can access them using object reference.Static methods belong to a class and not objects whereas non static members are tied to an instance. Accessing instance variables without the instance handler would mean an ambiguity regarding which instance the method is referring to and hence its prohibited.

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 Q4. How can we create objects if we make the constructor private ?Core Java
Ans. We can do so through a static public member method or static block.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   constructor   static method   static block  private     Asked in 1 Companies

 Q5. Similarity and Difference between static block and static method ?Core Java
Ans. Both belong to the class as a whole and not to the individual objects. Static methods are explicitly called for execution whereas Static block gets executed when the Class gets loaded by the JVM.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   oops   static   static method   static block   difference between   similarity      basic        frequent

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 Q6. In which cases , moving methods to utility class could be useful ?Core Java
Ans. It could be worthy to move a method to util class if the method needs to be shared, doesn't require polymorphic behavior and need not be overridden in special cases.

Don't belong to one group through is-a relationship ( You can share through parent class method )

Don't implement a specific interface ( java 8 default methods )

Doesn't involve complex computing as you will be loosing the benefit of object state with just static method.

Doesn't require polymorphic behavior as static methods don't participate in runtime polymorphism.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     utility classes   util classes   static methods   application design        rare

 Q7. Can we override static methods ? Why ?Core Java
Ans. No.

Static methods belong to the class and not the objects. They belong to the class and hence doesn't fit properly for the polymorphic behavior.

A static method is not associated with any instance of a class so the concept of overriding for runtime polymorphism using static methods is not applicable.

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 Q8. Will the following program display ""Buggy Bread"" ?

class Test{
   static void display(){
      System.out.println(""Buggy Bread"");

class Demo{
   public static void main(String... args){
      Test t = null;
Core Java
Ans.  Yes. static method is not accessed by the instance of class. Either you call it by the class name or the reference.

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 Q9. Why can't we use this in static context ?Core Java
Ans. Static methods can be called using instance references wherein this would have made sense but static method can also be called using Class name wherein this would mean nothing and hence forbidden.

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 Q10. How can we ensure thread safety in static method ?Core Java
Ans. By using synchronized static method or synchronized block

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     threads  synchronization  static methods     Asked in 2 Companies      intermediate

 Q11. Can static method access instance variables ?Core Java
Ans. Though Static methods cannot access the instance variables directly, They can access them using instance handler.

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 Q12. Does java allow overriding static methods ?Core Java
Ans. No. Static methods belong to the class and not the objects. They belong to the class and hence doesn't fit properly for the polymorphic behavior.

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 Q13. What will happen if static modifier is removed from the signature of the main method?
Ans. Program throws "NoSuchMethodError" error at runtime .

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 Q14. When are static and instance methods resolved ? During compile time or Runtime ?
Ans. Static methods are resolved during compile time and hence they cannot participate in runtime polymorphism. Instance methods are resolved during runtime.

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java   static methods   methods   runtime polymorphism      intermediate

 Q15. What could be the problems due to the usage of static methods and elements ? Core Java
Ans. static methods and static elements are shared by all objects of a class and hence could create problem.

Static methods are not synchronized by default and hence could create problem when accessed through multiple threads. Static elements are shareable by class and hence state of one object could be altered by another object.

Some limitations with Unit testing as not all mocking framework facilitate mocking them. Power mock allows but Mockito doesn't

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 Q16. Is it a good practice to override static methods ?Design
Ans. Though it's useful but it's not as useful as overriding member or object methods. We cannot achieve polymorphic behavior with static methods by overriding their definition in derived class.

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 Q17. Can we mock static methods ?Testing
Ans. Yes we can use PowerMock. With Mockito , we cannot mock static methods.

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 Q18. Can we call a static method using reference currently pointing to null.Core Java
Ans. yes, we can.
exa: public class Java{
public static void main(String... args) {
JAva j= null;
j.greeting(); // call with null reference
public static void greeting() {
System.out.println("Hello World");
} // output: Hello World

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 Q19. How can you verify if there were interactions with a static method using PowerMock ?PowerMock
Ans. We can use PowerMockito.verifyStatic for this purpose


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